Level Loading, all previous features integrated, sound with menu button presses and timer: Kelvin Roman

Welcome back, everyone! I am excited to share some significant progress with you all. This past week, my primary focus was successfully loading a level from Blender. I am pleased to report that I accomplished this goal, albeit with a few minor issues that still require some attention. With the level loading achieved, I turned my attention to implementing level collision. Although this presented certain challenges, I adopted a proactive approach by transitioning to other tasks to ensure the continuous advancement of our project.

One of my key achievements was reintegrating previous features into the project and making them work seamlessly together to create a more game-like experience. I've added functionality for audio feedback when menu buttons are pressed, ensured smooth character movement. and introduced a timer to keep track of the player's time in the game. There is a minor bug with the timer that will be addressed in the upcoming week.

The level loading process required me to work on a separate project due to some incompatibility issues with the one I had initially been using. This discovery led me to adapt and reformat the project to accommodate the successful level loading. This is a critical milestone, as it enables us to focus on more substantial aspects of the game, including animation, shadows, and artificial intelligence. I've utilized a library called ASSIMP for the level loading, marking a change in my approach. Initially, I aimed to create the game entirely from scratch but due to time constrains, I've decided to leverage libraries to expedite progress.

In light of the level loading accomplishment, we can expect to make faster strides moving forward. I want to extend my gratitude to all of you for joining in on this week's updates. Be sure to stay tuned for our next update, which promises further exciting developments. See you soon!

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